Saturday, August 16, 2014

Week 1: My Storybook Favorites

     One storybook that immediately caught my attention was Norse Giant Perspectives. I am a HUGE fan of Norse mythology (yes, it did start because of the recent Thor movies and Tom Hiddleston's perfect acting and perfect face and perfect everything, don't judge me) and I just love the special attention paid to the Jotun (Frost Giants) here. Anytime I read something I always want to know more about what isn't really talked about much (like how pureblood society isn't discussed much in Harry Potter even though it's mentioned all the time) and this way of going about it was super cute. The style was very conversational and easy to read, and the phonetic spellings were effective without being irritating. The story had an innate sense of warmth for being about icy giants, and the transitions between stories was handled beautifully. 

     Another one that grabbed me was HGTV: Homer and Garden Television. It started with a pun, how could I resist?! Greek Mythology done in the style of one of my favorite TV channels? And it was so accurate! Plus, who could resist the America's Next Top Model rip-off that was a perfect summary of Paris' terrible actions that made the Trojan War start? It was a highly entertaining read and made me giggle extravagantly. 

     The last is my favorite - Hotel California. One of the best songs ever written, as the theme for a horror story? Yes please! It starts out slow before erupting in ghosts and blood, with a truly chilling turn at the end that doesn't quite fit with the theme but feels completely natural and right. All the subtle nuances found in these limited-word count works spell a novel all in themselves, and the tone of the story remains consistent throughout without turning one-note. It was a very good read overall and definitely a story worth recommending to people!

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