Saturday, August 16, 2014

Week 1: Obligatory Self-Intoduction

     Perky girl: Hi everybody, my name's Elizabeth!

     Bored class: Hi Elizabeth.

     No, not kidding. I had a professor make us all reply like it was an AA meeting, one of the strangest days ever - topped only by the last class where he spent the whole time saying personalized goodbyes to each and every student.

     Anyway, onwards. I'm an English Major here looking into grad schools for next year, so I'll probably become a college professor myself. More fun and flexibility there (as one of my teachers last year once said, "I loved college so much I just never left.")

     Um, most relevant info is my status as an unrepentant nerd. Like, mega-nerd. I don't do math but comic books? BBC Sherlock? Firefly? Disney? Obscure movies like Attack of the Killer Tomatoes? Oh yes, I've seen them all. I'm also really big into Supernatural and Doctor Who, and recently got hooked on Castle. I also have a twitter and a tumblr (careful, if you don't have a tumblr already I highly suggest it, but it's kind of a black hole and you may never re-emerge again. Also, watch out - when stressed I compulsively reblog Tom Hiddleston. Slightly obsessed, I will admit it).

(Wouldn't you be? He's PERFECT! Web Source: HiddlestonDaily)

     Nerdom aside, I'm snobbishly well-read and enjoy stuff like Dante, Virgil, and Homer. I also finished Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde recently and have declared it my new favorite book. I'm kind of a classics connoisseur you might say. Speaking of which, I am OBSESSED with Shakespeare. I think he's God's gift to mankind and I have a lot of fun gathering different versions of them to compare like David Tennant's Hamlet, Patrick Stewart's Macbeth, Kenneth Branagh's Macbeth, The Hollow Crown with Tom Hiddleston which is a take on four different plays, and of course, who can forget the king of them all? Monty Python's subtitle selection on the DVD of The Holy Grail that reads: Henry V, for those who do not like this movie. It is literally lines from Henry V that fit what's happening in the movie. I couldn't find it, or I'd post a link.

     Not really sure what else to say. I enjoy most movies but can't do horror, I spend most of my time reading or on tumblr, oh! I'm writing some books currently; hopefully one of them will get published in the near future. Uh, other fun facts:

     I'm usually compared to a T-Rex (no, not sure why).

     When friends are giving out designations like "Which Disney princess are you?" they'll give other people stuff like Belle, Esmeralda, Kida, me? I get Ursula. Every. Single. Time. Oh well, Ursula rocks.

     Think I finally hit word count (yay!) so here's a wonderful video that made me laugh so hard I cried (title sounds bad but trust me, it's fine [aka. not porn] and totally worth it once you get to the end):


  1. Ha ha, I love that anecdote about people replying in chorus in class... the classroom is a weird and awkward space as it is (I far prefer online, as you have probably figured out!) ... I think that if I had to reply in chorus in class I like that, I might jump out the window! Assuming, of course, the class was not in Dale Hall Tower...

    And listen, about Shakespeare: have you encountered the insane delight that is Ian Doescher and his Shakespearean Star Wars books??? Oh my gosh, BRILLIANT: one of the best things I discovered this summer.
    The audiobook is the way to go... they found readers who sound just like the original actors. Except, of course, that they also sound perfectly Shakespearean. Amazing! :-)

  2. I have heard of it, though I haven't had the time to read it. I will definately check the audio version out, thanks for the link!

  3. Why Hello Elizabeth! I really enjoyed your Introduction it was quite entertaining. I was wondering about 2 things you said. Well first, Why don't you like scary movies? When you say "Scary" do you mean like gory or just thriller type movies. Another thing I was wanting to learn about is Tumblr. What it exactly is it? I hear people talk about it all the time, but I just never really looked into it.
    Thanks for your time!

    1. Hey there! Thanks a lot :D
      And yes by scary I mean horror - gore doesn't bug me a whole lot but movies like Children of the Corn just terrify me and I don't handle it well. I watched Legion and was up all night reminding myself that angels don't posses humans.
      And Tumblr is.... easier to see than explain, unfortunately. It's a blog community that attracts mainly nerds. There's a lot of creative artsy stuff, and then all the nerd blogs. You can have multiple ones and devote them to different things - like one to Batman and another for Star Trek, and you can do original posts or reblog other people's posts. You find blogs to follow and their posts show up on your homepage/"dashboard" where you can easily see and reblog them. Mainly it's just a large gathering of nerdy things, and the people on Tumblr are generally hilarious so that makes it even better.

  4. Hi Elizabeth!

    I really liked reading your introduction! I don't think I have ever heard someone call themselves, "snobbishly well-read." I can definitely tell you are an English major! So many times, I feel like I just use such simple words in my writing and I love that you venture out and use different language when you write. I know I have only read this blog post from you but I think it is so cool that you are in the process of writing some books. Best of luck to you getting published!

    1. Haha, my vocabulary tends to drive my brother up the wall, so thanks for the compliment!

  5. Heeey Elizabeth! I thought your introduction was really cool. It is very entertaining like Anthony said. I feel like I get much more of an idea of who you are by how you write rather than just what you say. I think it's great that you know what you want to do because I feel like I am still unsure about what I want to do. Anyway, I have a tumblr too! Let's follow each other. I don't always use mine, but when I do I indulge and go on a reblogging craze.

    1. Hey there! Don't worry about future plans - I entered as a Voice Major wanting to go on Broadway! Life changes and there's always time to change your mind, even if modern media doesn't quite advocate that view. I put a link to my tumblr in the page, just lemme know your name and I'll follow back. Yay followers! :P

  6. Hey Elizabeth!! The video you posted was hilarious! I really enjoyed it. You sound like the exact opposite person as me. I love math and I am terrible at reading. Basically I hardly ever read for fun. You seem like a really fun person. I was a little overwhelmed at first when I started reading your introduction but then I realized all the humor and fun in it. You made it a lot easier to read that way. It was great to meet you. (well kind of meet you) Have a great semester!

  7. I thought your introduction was by far the funniest one I have read so far. It reminds me of them support groups (which I’m sure it’s what you were going for). The title of your introduction was also unique as reading it oozes a sense of sarcasm followed by the way you have structure it. (Good stuff) I don’t think you are alone on the nerd part. My wife is forever calling me a nerd. So that makes more of us. Good luck with your major and finding grad schools.

  8. Hey Elizabeth! I loved the intro to your intro! It's so funny how we are college students preparing to start our professional lives and yet professors still have us go around the room and tell everyone our name, hometown, major, and favorite ice cream! Anyways, thanks for creating an entertaining introduction for me to read and I look forward to reading more of your work in the future and my in the future I mean in the next couple minutes when I got to read your storytelling post.

  9. Hey Elizabeth! Let me start off by saying that your blog name is hilarious, but so true. I’ve only met a handful of English majors during my time at OU. So that’s awesome that you are! Speaking of awesome, it’s always nice to meet a fellow nerd. I can’t say I’ve really watched Dr. Who or Supernatural, but I’m kind of in love with BBC’s Sherlock. It’s just so beautiful, ha ha. Book-wise, I generally read fantasy. I don’t have a favorite author, but some of my favorite series include Artemis Fowl, Eon, and Harry Potter (of course). What are yours? And speaking of books, I recommend the Eon series and The Emperor’s Soul (which both happen to be Asian-inspired fantasy). Definitely go for The Emperor’s Soul if you don’t have lots of time; it’s a novella about a hundred pages long (but so good!). By the way, I’ll keep the unTextbook suggestion in mind. I don’t know a great deal about Arthurian legend, but it does interest me.

  10. Hi Elizabeth!

    You have, by far, the best intro I have read. Don't tell the others. I hear your voice coming through the webpage! haha that's probably attributed to the fact that you're an English major and know how to use English extremely well and definitely far better than myself. I appreciate the fact that you love movies; I can't sit still long enough to make it through half of any movie, unless it's a horror. Horrors are the bomb, I'm sorry you don't enjoy them! Reading has never been my past time of choice either, but your choices in literature let me know that you appreciate the originals in life, very awesome. It's hilarious that your fronds call you Ursula, that's so random! The video link you posted is hilarious, too. Great intro and I can't wait to see what else you post!

  11. Hi Elizabeth! You have such a great introduction! I think it's so entertaining and it's really easy to see how you're an English major! I'm sure you'll be very successful in it, you seem to have a real gift for writing! I find it really interesting you love Shakespeare, I find his stuff difficult to read, but I think it's really cool you can get into stuff like that! I would have to agree that I like any movie genre except for horror, and I think that video you posted was so funny! You seem like a really cool person and I look forward to reading your stuff!

  12. Hey, Elizabeth! You mentioned in your comment on my intro that you're considering trying to publish some shorter fiction in magazines of well. Assuming what you write falls under the fantasy or science fiction genre, I have a pretty thorough list of about twenty or so markets that publish stuff of that type. I can send it to you if you want. Just off the top of my head I would recommend looking into the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and Beneath Ceaseless Skies. F&SF publishes anything from short stories to novellas and BCS accepts stories up to 10,000 words in length, so they're good if you tend toward longer short fiction. Good luck with your publishing endeavors!

  13. It's nice to meet you Elizabeth! You're introduction was so much fun to read, you're hilarious! I love reading in general, however, I could not imagine reading and writing for my entire major! Props to you though, I can already tell you will make a great professor! Sounds like you have some interesting friends that refer to you as a T-rex or Ursula! I have to say The Little Mermaid is one of my favorite disney movies! I look forward to reading more of your blogs in the future!

  14. Hi, Elizabeth! It was so nice to read your introductory blog! I can definitely tell that you are a passionate writer because your blogs are more entertaining to read than the ones posted by people like myself who are science majors! I think it is really awesome that you are working on writing your own books right now, such a great accomplishment! Best of luck with everything!

  15. Hi Elizabeth!
    I completely agree with your disdain for the introductions during the first days of class, its always so awkward and forced. I am also a Sherlock and Firefly fan, but I could never get into Dr. Who, something about it just doesn't agree with me. I am going to have to find that Monty Python subtitled with Henry V, I love The Holy Grail and I usually find redubbing or resubbing movies to be hilarious. One of my favorites like that is a guy narrating over Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone with all the names wrong and generally messing up what's happening. Anyway good luck on getting into grad school!

  16. Hey Elizabeth! First off I just want to say that your blog is kind of kick-ass! I seriously love the theme/style that you used! You seem like an awesome gal! That is so awesome that you enjoy the classics. I cannot say I know very many people who take the time to appreciate the classics anymore and it is nice meeting someone who gets it! Looking forward to reading more of your work this semester! I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!

  17. Hey Elizabeth! Man, I really liked your introduction! You seem pretty awesome! By the way you write, you can tell you're an English major. You can also tell that if you decide to teach, you're going to be a really great teacher as well. The way you write, makes me want to listen to you lecture! Also, thank you for the video at the end. I just sent it to my parents and siblings since we are all obsessed with the show Castle. Have you read the books that go along with the show? They're pretty good!
    Anyways, it was great getting to read your intro! Have a great rest of your semester!!

  18. Oh wow that video! I am basically crying! Your intro was really great to read - I love meeting other people who are unashamed of their nerdiness! I've been meaning to get into Dr. Who for awhile. My co-teacher is obsessed and insists that my life is incomplete. I am also a fan of one Tom Hiddleston - he's on my list of celebrities I actually want to be friends with. It was cool to see that we have a few things in common! Oh yeah, and take Ursula as a compliment! Girlfriend is fierce!

  19. Hi Elizabeth! Your introduction is hilarious. I think that is so awesome that you are writing books. I am a Math major, so writing is not exactly something I enjoy doing, but I do love to read. Hopefully one day you can publish something and I can say, "Hey she was in one of my classes!" Haha hope you're having a good semester!

  20. We, apparently, need to be best friends. I LOVE Doctor Who. I cried when I realized there was only one season of Firefly and I now own the movie. I am working on Supernatural, I LOVE BBC's SHERLOCK SO MUCH. I love Benedict Cumberbatch, especially when he was Smaug in The Hobbit because I am hugely obsessed with dragons. Like, I try to not let it be, but it could become a problem if I didn't work at it... I am also seriously in love with Disney. My idea of a fun night is getting together with my greatest friends, having some beer or wine (just a little, not enough to get drunk), pizza, and ALL OF THE DISNEY MOVIES EVER. Disney is the greatest thing in the world. And my Disney villain is Maleficent! My Disney princess changes pretty much every day but I always get the same villain. I should probably go do my last post, but this introduction just made me so happy. Last parting word, if you haven't seen Big Hero 6 yet, go see it soon. It is SO GOOD.

  21. Also, we have the same last name, so we should DEFINITELY be best friends.

  22. Elizabeth,

    Why aren't we friends? I am obsessed with almost everything on your list of nerdy loves! I do have to say I have never heard of the movie attack of the killer tomatoes, but with our similar taste it might be something I will need to check out. Your introduction was one of the best ones I have read this semester. I really feel like I got to know you and grasp some of your personality from it!

  23. Elizabeth, I thought your introduction was so humorous. I have debated on becoming a professor. I love college, and learning is one of my favorite things. I like your nerdy things! Haha. I have actually heard of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. I have never heard of anyone else who has! I am jealous of how much you have read. I have so many books on my list, I will never get through them. I also never have time to read for fun, so there’s that. I’m hoping to read the Divine Comedy over winter break and hopefully get to read quite a bit this summer. On a separate note, that video… hilarious. Loved it. I love Nathan Fillion.
