Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Reading Diary Self Assessment

Well, looks like I might have been doing this incorrectly. The instructions say to stay away from straight summarizing and I’ve been doing a lot of that. I have looked at the notes as if they were just notes and so handled them appropriately, or in other words, exactly as I have in any other class which mainly means a lot of summarizing. I will admit to focusing more and more on interesting parts in these later weeks, but sad to say that was more because of my increasing laziness instead of actually trying to do what the assignment wanted.

I had a bit of trouble understanding what the reading diary wanted, but I think I get it now. It’s less of a note taking thing and more of a place to make note of what you’d like to write on for your story and essay. I feel like it’s supposed to be a tool for the end of the week assignments, which makes sense when I think about it but wasn’t what I originally thought.

The less work I have to do the better, so I haven’t had a lot of images. And my notes get less and less detailed as the semester progresses. I can also really tell when I got tired and stopped caring because then the snark really comes out. Not only that, but reading it while tired makes for really hilarious reading. Especially because I am constantly making references, even if like in this last one I am probably the only one who gets it (besides my equally nerdy friends). I also write while I read, which doesn’t help the summarizing snark.

I could probably spend more time on what leaps out for story ideas and essay topics to do better in the coming weeks instead of my normal snark. But worry not, fair readers, the snark shall still be there.

1 comment:

  1. Well here I am on your amazing blog again! Your clarification of the instructions for the reading diary was very helpful. Pretty sure I too have fallen into the trap of summarizing my stories. One thing I really like to do is write down an idea I have for a storytelling for one, or multiple, stories. It really helps get the juices flowing, just as much as it helps you see how silly you can be! Look forward to visiting your blog again!
